Mediumship Readings
Please read this first before you book a Mediumship Reading.
If you email me for an appointment, please do not tell me anything about yourself or about the people you are hoping to hear from in Spirit (your loved ones who have passed). Also, you must be the only person in the room while I am giving you an individual reading. Otherwise, the Spirit I speak to may be for the other person in the room instead of you even if the other person does not want a reading. I do allow an exception to the one person in the room guideline for individual readings, if the other person in the room is your direct family member (spouse, child, parent, or sibling) because they have the same Spirit family on the Other Side as you do.
However, keep in mind when you invite someone to join your reading, you have also invited all of their family and friends in Spirit to possibly come through in a reading.
In-laws or step family members do not count as direct family members for my individual readings because you do not have the same Spirit family as they do. The more people in Spirit who are not your direct family or friends at your reading means you are less likely to hear from who you really want to hear from and less likely to hear that personal message you are hoping to hear. Please email me in advance telling me you are having someone join you in your individual reading.
If you have multiple family members or a group of friends, in-laws, or extended family who want a reading together then that is a group reading which has an additional price based on the number of people attending. Email me for pricing. Also, keep in mind that I cannot guarantee everyone in a group reading will get a reading. One person can get most of the readings if they have strong willed family members on the Other Side. Remember, Spirit is in charge of who comes through not the medium.
Mediums are channels. We are like a telephone and interpreter between this world and the Spirit World. The way I read Spirit is by interpreting whatever Spirit shares with me to the sitter (client). Spirit will show me things, have me feel things, taste things, smell things, hear things and even know things. Keep in mind Spirit no longer has a mouth, nose, eyes, hands, or ears. They give me messages by thinking about it and then sharing it with me from their soul to my soul. My job is to interpret as close as possible what Spirit is communicating to me.
Another point I have to emphasize is that I have no control over which Spirits comes through in the readings. This is completely up to Spirit. People often contact me expecting to hear from one particular person. They often do hear from the Spirit they are hoping for, however, this does not always happen. I cannot guarantee any Spirit will come through because I cannot force a Spirit to communicate.
You will have various family members or friends of yours come though (even beloved pets). Your spouse's family may also come through or even your neighbor or best friend's family member. Your grandfather who passed before you were born or who was estranged from the family may also come through.
Please keep in mind, that Spirit has knowledge that is beyond our comprehension. I would recommend that you trust the wisdom and healing of Spirit and let a Spirit speak to you, even if they are not who you are hoping to hear from. They may have the stronger energy that is needed to power the rest of the reading and/or they may have an important message for you. Also know that all your family and friends in Spirit are aware of who is speaking and have agreed to let them speak.
​Sometimes someone who is still alive can come through in a Mediumship Reading. This happens if the person has dementia, is in a coma, is very ill, or is close to passing because people's soul's leave their body often during these times. When this happens, the person may have a message they want to share to the sitter since this may be the only way they can communicate. However, I have been giving Mediumship Readings from Spirit people who are still alive in the physical body and who are healthy. This happens when there is a message the person wants to say to the sitter that cannot be communicated perhaps because of a physical distance, you have lost contact with them, or it is too difficult to express emotionally. Remember we are all Souls/Spirits even here on the physical plane.
During a Mediumship Reading, it is most important to have an open mind, open heart, and a wonderful time. Mediumship Readings are a true miracle and a wonder to experience. Know that your family and loved ones in Spirit are just as happy and excited as you are to communicate with you. Know that my goal for each Mediumship Reading I provide is for healing and soul progress on both sides of the veil.
When booking your appointment with me, please make sure that your appointment is at least one month from your loved one's passing. Grief needs to be processed and sometimes the intense grief my clients feel can affect the quality of my readings. Give yourself time to process some of your grief during that month before your reading.