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Pet Mediumship
I have had dogs my whole life and have always felt very connected to animals. To be honest, I actually connect easier with animals then with people. Animals literally soothe my soul. In December of 2018, my beloved dog Angel passed to the Other Side. I was devastated. I had her for 14 years and she was my first dog that I got as an adult. I do not have any biological children, so my fur babies are everything to me. I was so grief stricken after Angel passed, that I was inspired to write my book Deathless: A Guide Through Grief in her honor.
After Angel's passing, I vowed that I would become a Pet Medium because I wanted to feel connected to Angel who is on the Other Side as much as possible. I also know firsthand how healing a Pet Mediumship Reading can be. This is something I want to share to all those who are grieving the intense loss of a pet. This loss is so deep, yet in society it is often minimized and misunderstood.
With the help of my Angel who is helping me now from the Other Side, I deliver messages to people from their beloved pets in Spirit who are Over the Rainbow Bridge. Like every other aspect of Mediumship, I cannot guarantee which of your pets in Spirit will come through. Your childhood pet can come through, your mom's cat, your best friend's rabbit, or even the stray you fed 10 years ago can communicate during this reading. Remember there is no time on the Other Side. Each reading is unique. During individual readings, 2-3 pets will sometimes come through, however other times it will only be one pet. Often your pets who have passed years ago, will come through first to help build the energy of the reading. This especially happens if you have grief that is very intense with guilt.
It is important that you talk to your pets who are in Spirit and ask who you want to come through to speak up. This is not a guarantee, but it does help. There can be up to 2 clients who can attend an individual reading. These 2 clients must be wanting to hear from the same pets and must be family (married, partners, siblings, parents/child). Keep in mind, that whenever you invite someone to join you in your reading you have also invited ALL of their previous pets and even friend's pets in Spirit to possibly come through. The likelyhood of you hearing from who you want to hear from lessens.
During a Pet Mediumship Reading, I am able to give detailed information from your pet, so that you know it is them. Keep in mind the intelligence of Spirit and that animals are highly evolved souls. Animals come to the earthly plane to guide and help us humans. During a Pet Mediumship Reading I am speaking soul to soul to your pet which has no language barrier between human and animal. You will also have a chance to ask them some questions and hear their response in my reading.
When booking your appointment, please make sure that your appointment is at least 30 days from their passing. Spirit can speak immediately after their passing, but your intense grief can affect the quality of my reading and the connection I have with your pet who has just passed. Make sure to process some of your grief before the reading to help with this. You can also join my grief pet support group immediately after losing a pet or even 50 years later. This group is called Angel's Circle and it can help you on your pet loss journey. This support group is run on Instagram @ Jenniferankelemedium. It is $9.99 a month and can be canceled any time. Please go to the home page of this website for more details.
Animals have their own special plane in Heaven which I have been lucky enough to visit. This plane is paradise for animals and is often known as Over the Rainbow Bridge. However, we (humans and animals) can intermingle in heaven on different planes when we pass or even when we sleep. If you want animal communication for animals who are still alive in their physical body, then book an Animal Soul Consultation.
I can honestly say if it were not for animals, I don't know what my life would be like. They have taught me unconditional love and bring me so much joy. Currently I am a dog mom of 4 fur babies who are with me on the earthly plane. My mission is twofold. I want to help people who are grieving the terrible loss of their beloved pets and I also want to help humans understand that all animals are advanced sentient souls who are intelligent, loving, and helping humanity. I am hoping that when humans really understand this, then humanity as a whole can start treating animals kinder.